Festive Deluxe Hamper

Original price was: ₦65,000.00.Current price is: ₦60,000.00.

Contents Absolute Vodka/ Non-alcoholic wine of choice Andre Rose Wine Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Quaker Oats Cadbury Chocolate Éclairs Ferrero Roche Fine Hazel Nut chocolate 5.3oz Celebration Chocolate Danish Cookies Best selection cookies and wafers Pringles Milo Peak milk Bird custard Set of cutleries/Set of tumbler/Set of mugs Nutella chocolate spread Nescafe coffee Coffee-mate Ketchup Baked […]



Absolute Vodka/ Non-alcoholic wine of choice
Andre Rose Wine
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
Quaker Oats
Cadbury Chocolate Éclairs
Ferrero Roche Fine Hazel Nut chocolate 5.3oz
Celebration Chocolate
Danish Cookies
Best selection cookies and wafers
Peak milk
Bird custard
Set of cutleries/Set of tumbler/Set of mugs
Nutella chocolate spread
Nescafe coffee
Baked beans
Sweet corn
Salad cream
Celebration Chocolate
Dinner set/Bread toaster/Blender/Electric kettle/Pressing iron


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